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Project 1: Abstraction

Group Members:Peh Ker Neng, Phua Jing Sern, Lee Yaue Shen, Yap Wei Tyng

The design process is always influenced by many architectural elements which are visualized into graphic models in this particular project. The elements were extracted from the Philips Pavilion, designed by famous architect,  Le Corbusier. In order to achieve a thorough understanding of the pavilion, in-depth research is done and recorded in the from of a video and architectural drawings.

 After studying about the various aspects of the architecture, we transformed our understanding on these subjects into 10 conceptual models that relate closely to the pavilion.
  • Parti
  • Form
  • Massing
  • Rhythmic Repetition
  • Structural Equilibrium
  • Circulation
  • Light Penetration
  • Volume
  • Space 
  • Emphasis


Architectural Drawings

Abstraction Models


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Eugene Peng


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