Location: Lembah Bujang
The main objective of this project is to propose a design scheme that response to the site context, functional programme and users' experience. This project is the continuation of the previous project. The concept design from the previous project is to be further developed into a complete product. Incorporating the same concept of obscured boundaries, the visitor interpretive centre, Legacy is designed as a linear curved building with an uneven interior. In response to the site context, customized landscape and facade design are incorporated into the building. The concept is implemented with practicality as the building's facade is shaped to provide seating and shading. Within the siege of the semi-circular building and the surrounding trees, a closed system is created.
Presentation Board
This is project is my first project to be done in a fully digital mean. The first encounter with the modeling and rendering software has many unexpected results. Unfamiliarity gives rise to confusion and miscalculation. This eventually costs a tremendous amount of time, trying to figure out alternatives. This experience will help me in my future works for sure.