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Documentation and Measured Drawings

Bandar Jugra was once a royal capital of the Selangor state and now a historical town. The most significant heritage of that royal age is perhaps the royal palace that still stands to this date - Istana Bandar Jugra. This project requires the students to measure and document the data regarding the historical building in the form of:

  • Sketchbook 
  • Measured drawings & model
  • Video & report

Project 1: Sketchbook

The sketchbook is a compilation of individual observation of the historical building, recording its physical and intangible qualities. Ranging from the architectural details to design elements, the sketches reflect the architectural essence of the building in overall. In this exercise, exploring different drawing techniques and experimenting different drawing tools further enhanced the visual experience of the spatial qualities in my sketches.


Project 2: Measured Drawings & Model

After obtaining the measurements of the building through on-site work, the data were translated into a set digital drawings. Following the drawings, a model was built in a scale of 1:100. The drawings illustrated the construction details and the building's specification while the model displayed the 3 dimensional view of the entire building in detail.

The process of these drawings and model making of a building with such scale allows one to truly understand the importance of the precision of the every single detail. Working in a huge group, drawing and model making work required precise coordination and communication. This simple social gesture can sometimes be the cause of the most problematic situation. Solving these situation brings back that simple act all over again. 



Project 3: Video & Report

The video and report recorded and elaborated the significance of the measured building in the architectural, cultural and historical aspects. In-depth research and  analysis were done to achieve a better understanding of the relationship between the architecture and the inhabitation of the building.
The architectural style and elements of the particular era reflected through the palace can be understood via the report and the video.




  1. Identify and classify architectural historic structure 
  2. Recognize and recall architectural historic structure documentation method 
  3. Recommend the appropriate method of architectural historic documentation 
  4. Explain the application of architectural historic documentation 
  5. Recognize and recall techniques of measured drawing and documentation 
  6. Explain the as-built building constructions, architectural details and elements 
  7. Describe architectural cultural heritage 
  8. Execute fieldwork and hands-on measurements 
  9. Translate measured data into scale drawings 

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Eugene Peng


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